With winter now in full swing it's time once again to start another build. This time around the donor bike is a 1975 Yamaha XS 650 that i picked up for $200. When I found her she was sitting under a tarp in what I guess could only be described as a motorcycle graveyard in Port Orchard. I'm really exited to work with this bike mainly because of their great cult following among chopper guys, & unlike our last build, information & parts are readily available, there's also a bitchin' aftermarket for custom stuff. Again I'm planning on keeping the swing-arm & shocks, Seattle just isn't a very hard tail friendly city, & going for a kind of Chopper/Cafe hybrid.

As she sits now the frame is completely striped, the engine removed & all the parts have been cleaned. I'm hoping to have a roller put together by next weekend so stay tuned.